VegTub Modular Metal Raised Bed Kit - Sage Green

Price 229.00

Short description

The VegTrug corrugated steel planter is a perfect, durable planter for all kinds of growing. With multiple ways to build it, the VegTub can fill little plots or big allotments. The extra-tall 45cm height gives you ample depth for long roots in a no-dig bed.

With double-sided powder coating and entirely stainless steel fittings for next-level toughness, the VegTub will weather anything.

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In stock
  •  Quality assured

VegTub Modular Metal Raised Bed Kit - Sage Green

Price 229.00

Short description

The VegTrug corrugated steel planter is a perfect, durable planter for all kinds of growing. With multiple ways to build it, the VegTub can fill little plots or big allotments. The extra-tall 45cm height gives you ample depth for long roots in a no-dig bed.

With double-sided powder coating and entirely stainless steel fittings for next-level toughness, the VegTub will weather anything.

  • Quantity
In stock
  •  Quality assured
VegTub Modular Metal Raised Bed Kit - Sage Green - image 3
VegTub Modular Metal Raised Bed Kit - Sage Green
Price 229.00
  • Tool-less assembly
  • Double-sided powder-coating resists rust and corrosion
  • Multiple build configurations available
  • Weight:15.50kg
  • Width:92.00cm
  • Depth:92.00cm
  • Height:45.00cm
  • EAN code
  • EAN trade
  • Brand

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Let us tell you a bit about Vegtrug. This brand has been around since 2009, providing gardeners with top-quality products to help them grow their own veggies and herbs. Vegtrug offers a range of raised garden beds, planters, and accessories that are perfect for small spaces, balconies, and patios. Their products are made from sustainable materials and are designed to make gardening easy and enjoyable for everyone. Check out our selection of Vegtrug products and start growing your own fresh produce today!
